
MAURI customer, Country Cob Bakery has claimed the title of Australia’s Best Pie 2019 with their win of the ‘Australia’s Best Gourmet Pie’. Bakery owners Ryan Khun and his brother Chan didn’t stop there, and also took out the ‘Australia’s Best Seafood Pie’ with their curry scallop pie.

Run by the Baking Association of Australia, the competition ran over 3 days from June 9 at the Moonee Valley Racecourse in Melbourne. With over 340 bakeries from across the nation competing as well as more than 1760 pies up for judgement, winning this title for the 2nd year in a row is quite an achievement.

MAURI staff, Jason Fierenzi and Paul Greene were honoured to congratulate Ryan in person. Ryan said that the secret to the best pie is the passion that goes into its creation, “it’s lots of love, lots of care in the product, lots of practice and lots of passion”.

While the competition itself has 12 Industry level judges, the judges that Ryan is more concerned with are those who are working under his own roof. Ryan said, “before we send the pie to the competition, my team are the real judges. They are sure to tell us if something is missing or if we need to add more of this or more of that, we get everyone’s ideas and put it into the pie. I can’t do it without them”.

Country Cobb Bakery may be a small country town business but they have an unbeatable dedication, drive and passion for baking.

If you ever find yourself driving through Kyneton, Victoria, then look no further than Country Cob Bakery to grab a bite of an award winning pie!

Let’s bake better together. Call us on 1800 649 494


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